From Father to Son

I was asked to speak in church today and the subject was .... SURPRISE... the influence of fathers. I'm not going to post the talk, but while writing the talk I was struck with a creative bug and wound up writing a poem that I'd like to share. Hope you like it.

From Father to Son…


You taught me how to tie my shoes and say my ABCs

You picked me up when I fell down and tended to scraped knees

You showed me how to treat my mom with love and with respect

My manners and my character never to neglect


You taught me when to hold back tears and put on a strong face

You taught me the important things, never to disgrace

Like family- and baseball- my values- and my God

What big tracks I must follow in, if with you I’m to trod


You showed me there were times when we must look out for the weak

That truly we are slighter than the humble and the meek

You taught me being biggest doesn’t always win the round

That rather it’s the smartest man who goes home with the crown


Clean me up and tuck me in, watch over me at night

Teach me when to stand my ground and ready me to fight

For good- and right- and decent things- that need someone to say

I’ll not back down I’ll not turn back, my dad raised me this way


And now I stand impatiently, in this sterile place

and wait to hold my little one and look upon his face

And tell him of the fun adventures we are sure to have

With him and me and Grandpa, as I learn to be a dad


To teach him how to tie his shoes and say his ABCs

And pick him up when he falls down and tend to his scraped knees

As I try my best to teach him how he ought to be

I’ll think back upon you dad, and the way that you raised me 

We're not dead

Okay... I want to first and foremost apologize to any blogfollowers that we do have. We have fallen off the face of the earth but we are BACK!! Let me try my hardest to do a quick update over the past couple of months.

I finally got my new(er) car. My old car was dear to me, but it was also the one Matt used to go to school for three years... it was about 15 years old, had not a/c and no radio. As you can imagine, this made my 40 minute commute very pleasant. In all actuality, I am grateful for it (not that I don't adore my new car). It made me really appreciate things like overpasses. When traffic was really bad and the sun was really shiny, I appreciated the brief time I was stuck under the overpass. Also, it was quiet. It was a good time for me to reflect on things. Or I could sing as loud as and however I wanted to and didn't have to hear someone say "you know, those aren't even notes".

Last month I got a 2007 White Honda Accord Sedan. I know, I'm ballin'! We're fans of Hondas, they've always done right by us so we're loyal. It's nothing special, except that it does in fact have air conditioning AND a radio. It also has a 6 cd changer. Perhaps I'll post some pictures some time. The drawback to my new ride is that my baby girl is (for now) not allowed to go with me. Millie Bear HATES this. She loves car rides and quite frankly, doesn't understand why Daddy won't let her go places with Mommy anymore... Since I'm trying to be a better wife, I respect my husband's wishes and I understand the reasoning behind it, but it's my car and my puppy dog, right?

-----sidenote---- We sold my old car to Matt's cousin Chris. Chris lives in Nebraska. Matt was up that way for business a few weeks ago and brought Chris and his girlfriend back down here so that they could drive the car up there. Umm... Disaster. Matt called his aunt after not hearing from her after that weekend and she proceeded to tell him that somewhere in Oklahoma (i think?) the car broke down. Let's just say it was an adventure.... I still feel really bad about the whole thing. I was pretty sure that car was gonna last forever. Instead, just 250,000 miles. What a disappointment!

Anyway, as I mentioned, Matt was out of town for business for about a week, but luckily was not far from extended family. So it worked out well. He was able to go to church with his Aunt Kelly & Fam and eat dinner there so that he didn't have to break the sabbath while out on business.

Let's see... I've been busy as ever at work. The manager that I assist is still on maternity leave and we're short handed at work so I've been running around like crazy. I feel like there just isn't enough time in the day. The real frustration with all of that is that I'm not allowed to get overtime, but I'm supposed to find time to do 3 people's jobs? Ah well. 

Most recently Matt and I have started a new challenge. A summer 90 day challenge. My end result goal is to be more fit. More spiritually and physically and relationshiply (<--don't think that's a word) fit. We started off with a two day fast which apparently caused a lot of controversy for my facebook friends. We did drink water. I know it sounds like a lot. Our bodies were able to do it. I know that we'll be blessed for it as well. I know that we would be blessed for doing a one day fast, but why not ask Heavenly Father for more blessings? He's waiting to pour them out! I really just needed all of the help I could get, our challenge is a bit, well, challenging. It's different. One of the things that we're no longer doing is watching television during the week. I am SO productive! Who'da thunk? I have time to work out, and work on the house, and get things accomplished that we've been putting off, it's great! I recommend that you all should try it for at least one week. Turns out, I don't even really care for tv. I've also (so far) really enjoyed spending more quality time with Matt. My calling at church can keep me pretty busy, and when I'm not so busy, it's nice to spend real time with my hubby. I've also been finding myself more entertained by Millie (i.e. right now she's sleeping and dreaming. She's doing these little half barks and I'm trying not to laugh too loudly so that I don't wake her up). Maybe someday soon I'll post some videos of her.  (I find that posting pics and videos can be a bit time consuming for someone like myself that doesn't know how to do it or wants to really take the time to, sorry.)

That seems like just about it for now. Matt and I are just stayin' busy. The week after next I'll be going to GIRLS CAMP! WOOT WOOT! I'm TOTALLY stoked. We have such great girls in our stake! It's really a privilege to go to camp with them. 

Also, our anniversary happens during Girls Camp, so the following weekend I'm flying to Utah. Matt has another auction in Park City. He flies out Thursday morning. I really wanted to go with him but I'm taking the previous week off for Girls Camp so I'm flying out Friday afternoon after work and then I'll return Sunday evening. I'm a little bit nervous -besides the fact that flying can be excruciatingly painful on my ears- I've never flown alone. Am I a big enough girl to handle that? Hope so, since the ticket isn't refundable. It'll be our 4th anniversary. Can you even believe it? 

So things are really eventful, but good. 

I'm sorry I've (we've) neglected our blog. Maybe when Matt's out of town I'll have time to figure out how to post pics and videos. I don't know, we'll see. Well, thanks for your patience, I miss you guys!! 

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