The Real World

Well as much as I'd LOVE to continue living in a wonderful Fantasy Land, it's time to get on with life. Our "honeymoon" was so much fun!! I'd never been to Disneyworld, and if you haven't, I highly recommend it. Although.... it is a work out. We did a lot of really neat things, but towards the end (besides the fact that I got sick) I was ready to be home.

We took a lot of pics and video, but Matt's the expert at all of that, so we'll have to wait for him to load all of them up.

Also, Matt's great! I know I say that like every time, but he really is. He put up with a lot from me this week, including but not limited to me getting whatever it is that I wanted. And also, on the way home we spent well over an hour at baggage claim hoping to go home soon, but some how Matt's luggage didn't come in until 5pm. He's a trooper. I, on the other hand, would've been freaking out.

Anyway, as for the real world, they've done SO much to our house that I hardly recognized it. It looks like it might be big enough, at least for a while. lol. They've got the solar board decking on the roof and the insulation on the exterior walls. It's starting to resemble a liveable space. We've got some pics of that as well.

Oh! and more importantly, Matt's brother, Sean, got his mission call. *Drum rolls, please* Elder Sean Cobb was called to serve in the Idaho-Boise Mission. (yes, just like the movie, Singles Ward).

I think that's about all that needs catching up on, I should probably start to work today and get back in the groove. Have a Happy Day!


  1. Lois Brown said...:

    I'm so glad you had a great time!

  1. K said...:

    Hey Linds! I had to pop over and tell you hi - and now I must go add you to my blog roll!

    Love ya!
    Kirsten (aka: the BEST babysitter and Mia Maid advisor you've ever known - oh wait, I was your ONLY Mia Maid advisor!)

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