Lately I've been having trouble finding the time or the motivation to blog. I usually like to blog about specific or interesting subjects that I've been thinking about but the last few times I've made an attempt to turn one of those thoughts bloggy... it just wouldn't come together. So in the interest of stick-to-it-ivness I'm going to just start typing and when I get tired, I will post it.

I've had the chance recently to talk about the gospel. A LOT. I have a new office mate. His name is Adam and he is a fairly nice, very intelligent, and extremely curious fellow. He likes to talk too. Anyone who knows me has most likely already guessed that between his talkative nature and mine, not a whole lot of actual "work" gets done in here. Well you're wrong! Because my slacking started way before he came to work here! :-) Seriously though, he is Methodist and he has been asking me all kinds of questions about the church. At first this was a little unnerving, because he has very strong opinions, and I was hesitant to talk about religion in general let alone deep conversation A) because this is a workplace and B) because I didn't want to risk offending him and start out on a bad note with a person I had just met and knew I would be spending a great deal of time around in the coming months. However I made a commitment to myself that before I answered any of his questions, I would always do a H.G.C. (Holy Ghost Check). If for some reason I had let the spirit drift from my presence I always made sure to invite him back before continuing.

This accomplished 2 things. First it helped me to remember how great it is to constantly feel the spirit and to rely on him throughout every day, and be conscious of his gift. Second, it kept me in a frame of mind, so that in almost every instance, our conversations stayed friendly and respectful. With a little help from and a TON of help from the Spirit, I have been able to answer all of his questions about the Church with what I would consider to be more than adequate responses.

Unfortunately Adam has no interest in joining the church. His questions are more intellectual curiosity, than a heartfelt desire to find truth (although, he of course doesn't see it that way). Still... the opportunity to share Gospel truths with him has been good for me, as I always struggle with finding opportunities to do missionary work.

On a completely unrelated topic... I am SO EXCITED to close on our house after the 1st of the year. For so long, Lindsey has wanted a home of our own, and I am so happy to finally be able to give it to her. I also feel so blessed that we have very little debt and that our mortgage payment will not be a financial burden. So many times I fought off envy as my friends bought fancy homes, expensive cars, and huge televisions only to later see them struggling to afford them. It makes me proud and at the same time humbled that we have been given so much and yet still are able to live within our means. I would be remiss if I did not testify that the principles of Tithing and Service will bless your lives exponentially as you practice them to greater and greater degrees.

Geeze- there is just so much in our lives right now that I don't know where to stop. I promise that if anyone stops reading right now, I will not be offended, because I'm getting a little long winded, but if you really wanna know.......

I have gotten a promotion at my day job which has inspired me to quit my night job. The extra workload meant that I had very little time at home and I really felt that it was HFs way of telling me to take things back a notch and concentrate a little more on my wife and family.

Even though I was just promoted, I have been getting job offers left and right. For now I don't plan on leaving my job, but should the right opportunity present itself, things could REALLY start changing.

I've been thinking more and more about being a dad. (No Lindsey's not pregnant) And the more I think about it, the more it scares the crap outta me. And the more scared I get, the more I realize that this must be what everyone feels like before they have a kid. Lucky for us, we have a wonderful support system around us, that is more than I could ever ask for, and DEFINITELY more than I deserve.

Christmas. It's here already. I don't know about yall, but I was pretty sure we just had a Christmas. Couldn't have been more than say... 11.5 months ago. Don't get me wrong. It is without a doubt my favorite holiday, and I am ecstatic that it is that time again. I just cannot believe how quickly this year flew by. It's crazy to think what will happen between now and next Christmas. Only time will tell I suppose. However... one thing I have decided, is that 2009 will be the year I learn to dance like Justin Timberlake. Watch me pop it!

Merry Christmas everyone!!!


  1. Lois Brown said...:

    Loved your whole blog and yes I read it all. What an amazing man you are! It's a good thing to becuase only someone truly amazing himself deserves to be married to Lindsey! You are a strong force in the Gospel together! Maybe my daughters will be so lucky some day!

  1. Linds said...:

    YAY!! A Matt Post!! I missed reading your notes. They're super good, especially this one. Particularly where you mentioned me :)

    I love you!!

  1. MadreBug said...:

    It's good to see you post again. When your both ready- the Lord's description of ready- you'll be amazing parents. You guys will have TONS of people willing to help when the time comes. We love you guys.

  1. Danielle said...:

    This was really neat to read. Y'all have good heads on your shoulders and are good examples to the rest of us. I know that when the time is right, you will be wonderful parents. Enjoy this time you have with each other to make that foundation even stronger - it's SO important. :) Happy Holidays!!

  1. Watch Elf. It'll put Christmas in your heart.

    or something...

    people keep asking me what a plemon is. I blame you.

  1. Ev said...:

    I should watch "Elf." Yeah, I forgot. I have sick kids and a final next week. DANG IT!! Oh well. Maybe in a couple weeks....and I read you're whole blog because I'm taking a break. I'm up to my elbows in puke and snot. THAT'S a fun place to be, I assure you. And yall will be some totally rad parents.

  1. I love reading you guys' posts. I am proud to be related. :)
    I am always inspired by your thoughts. I have to agree with everyone else and say that you guys will be awesome parents. I'm in the throes of it right now, so trust me, I know what it guys got it.
    Cake. :)
    Love you both!
    P.S. Matt, send me an email so I can have your address to add to my permissions and you'll be able to view the blog! Sorry! :) (in case you didn't have it!)

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