
Hey guys! this blog is gonna be really short. Basically, I haven't quite mastered the patience it takes me to upload pics onto here. But i took lots of pics on my iPhone and uploaded them to my facebook. My facebook isn't locked

i hope that link works :-/

anyway its lots of pics of my house! i don't think many of you have seen it so there ya go. if it doesn't let you in, create a facebook and look for me. lol. if you don't want to keep it afterwards, then don't... 

sorry i guess i'm not really that domesticated if i can't upload lots of pics on here.... 

happy viewing! 



  1. Lois Brown said...:

    went to facebook and saw the picturs! Love the wall colors, love the decorating, love your home, love you guys!

  1. So, I'm totally inept when it comes to facebook...tried to get in...couldn't...ugh.
    But, I'm sure everything looks grand. Isn't it the best feeling to be in your home and feel like you're surrounded by things that make you home!?
    That's why I can't wait to REALLY decorate my house. I am aiming for next year to be the year for that...sigh...I can wait, I suppose!
    Thanks for always saying hi and leaving comments on my blog...I love and miss you guys!

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