
Re-Finding, and Refining

(To clarify, this is Matt's post. He was apparently logged in as me when it was written)

In today's atmosphere of constant connection and online social networking, I find myself talking to people that I haven't seen (or even thought about) in years. I have two seemingly conflicting ideas on that subject. On the one hand; it is so interesting to see the paths that people choose, and to then get to see the destinations they've reached because of those paths. It's fun to reminisce on old times, and recall all the reasons that you were friends to begin with.

On the other hand, at some point you very well might come to realize that there was a reason you grew apart. As we learn and grow throughout our lives, we become different people. Ideally... better people. So when confronted with the past, do we readily see that the person we are today will only become bogged down by the relationships of yesterday, or do we allow ourselves latitude to explore what could become a friendship reborn?

Unfortunately I often find that time spent with old friends brings back an older version of my current self. At the time I'm sure I found my thoughts and actions (and maybe even my fashion choices) more than suitable. However, as the man I am today, I look back with a certain amount of confusion. How did I ever think THAT girl was pretty? Why did I always try to act so tough around THAT guy? Why did I make so many bad decisions around THIS group? Did anyone REALLY think psychedelic patterned neon shorts looked good?

So as strange as it might seem... I have been doing some mental/emotional house cleaning with regards to my social life. Interestingly enough, as I do so I am learning that every relationship I have ever had, that is worth maintaining, I have maintained. To one degree or another, I am still close to everyone in my life that matters to me. I might not be able to spend a lot of time with them, or talk to them as much as I'd like, but that emotional bond, that love, and that connection will always be there. Ready to pick back up right where it left off. And most of those friendships that have faded away, or dwindled over time, have done so only because they were weak, petty, superficial, or possibly just unnecessary all along.

On a more playful note, I have made one of the coolest discoveries EVER, and it's right in my own back yard. As soon as I have a chance (hopefully this week) I will take some pictures and post them for everyone to see. So come back soon and check it out. It's worth a teaser. Trust me.


  1. Lindsey said...:

    At first I thought this was posted by Lindsey....then it said the "man I am now". :) It was quite the transition.

    I really like this post! Can we always be friends???

    Lindsey (Taylor)

  1. You better have found a dinosuar or I will be sorely disappointed.

    Also...are you implying that "psychedelic patterned neon shorts" are NOT cool...? I refuse to believe it.

    The code word for leaving this comment: "Deaff." I think this is what happened when they asked Helen Keller to spell her own problem. The girl can't see, you know.

    I'm probably a bad person for making fun of Helen Keller....let's consider it more of an "observation"....

  1. MadreBug said...:

    I love this post. I have been faced with this in a big way recently. I'll let you know how it goes.

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